In a world ruled by Divine Providence, why should I ask for a human blessing?
Why ask for a blessing? Why pray in a world that is sustained by God at all times, whether or not we are praying? Why request a blessing? (And, doesn't personal prayer reduce a person's understanding of God to something like a vending machine - press the right button and the goodies show up? Of course not!) Prayer and expressed blessings connect us to Godliness, You are invited to explore this topic in the Pidyon HaBen and Blessing menu at the top of the page.
Blessings - hidden & revealed
God's blessing are universal and personal at the same time, both focused and multi-faceted in their manifestation
May you experience all blessings, material and spiritual, in revealed harmony
Material blessings fall into three main groups: health, family and money. Each person has distinct needs in each of these. Spiritual wisdom, which we've included also, allows individuals to understand the other blessings in perspective.
Blessings are often hidden. This point is often made through parables, like when a person gets distracted and misses their exit on the road, only to find out later that they avoided a flash flood. Hidden blessings are of course good and valid, but the Kohen Blessing is about calling on God to provide blessings that are good in an obvious and revealed way. The Kohen Blessing asks for the goodness of blessings to be gracious to us as individuals, and to manifest in a way that is in peace and harmony with others.
The Kohen Blessing is a plea for balance. Balance in the material blessings, and balance between the spiritual and the material.
May your physical state allow you to achieve your highest goals
May you have the resources to support a meaning filled lifestyle
May you be surrounded by love and merit to usher in a new generation
May your connection to Holiness grow every day
Our Kohane Executive Team
Our Kohane webmaster and his inspirations
Kohane / Webmaster / Husband / Father
Through the interplay of the material and spiritual, and as a result of Divine Providence, Noach is a Kohane living a Torah-observant life in California, where he lives with his beautiful and inspiring wife and two of his three amazing children (the oldest is already grown up and lives in Oregon).
Leib Hennoch
Kohane / Inspiration / Father
Noach’s father died 42 years ago, almost to the day, of this writing. For Noach, conversations with his dad about the meaning of life and spirituality are still fresh, and continue to inspire spiritual inquiry and exploration.
Aharon Ha’Kohane
Progenitor of the Kohane Lineage
This image shows the gold band worn by Aharon, and later his descendants, on the forehead. The words say “Holy to God.” When saying the Kohen Blessing in the Temple, the Kohane raised his hands, but no higher than the name of God on this golden band.
In Jewish law my status as a Jew from birth comes from my mother. But my status as a Kohane comes from my father, who died on the 20th day of the Hebrew month of Mar Cheshvan. It was the night of November 14, 1973. As I write this I am marking 42 years since Read more about Yahrzeit – remembering my father[…]